Eric Hunley sits down with the renowned investigator and writer Johnny Vedmore to delve into the intriguing and complex history of Horace "Hod" Dibben. A figure shrouded in mystery, Dibben's life intersected with dark happenings, satanism, and high-profile personalities, including gangsters and political figures. Vedmore, with his meticulous research and insightful analysis, sheds light on the multifaceted character of Dibben, from his enigmatic influence to his controversial actions and connections. From RAF service to intelligence operations and beyond, this conversation explores the depths of a man who was everything to everyone yet remained an enigma. Join us as we uncover the layers of Hod Dibben's life, offering a unique glimpse into a past filled with intrigue, mystery, and the untold stories that shaped his legacy.
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#JohnnyVedmore #HodDibben #HistoricalMysteries #Satanism #IntelligenceOperations #EricHunleyInterview #TrueCrime #HistoricalFigures #Mystery #ControversialHistory #erichunley