
Oct. 10, 2020

Debunking Conspiracies and QAnon with Mike Rothschild

Mike Rothschild is a journalist, researcher, and debunker of conspiracy theories and fringe beliefs. As a staff writer at several media companies, he has written extensively about politics, history, pop culture, and weird stories your aunt shares on Facebook without actually reading. In particular, Mike has spent the least year…

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Oct. 7, 2020

Evaluating Testimony with Trial Consultant Jeff Dougherty

Jeff Dougherty earned an M.S. degree in Psychology and completed additional post-graduate studies in Jury Research and Jury Psychology at the only program of its kind in the country. Since 2002 Mr. Dougherty has applied his educational training and jury psychology experience to a broad range of civil litigation across…

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Oct. 6, 2020

FBI Special Agent Gina Osborn worked Counterterrorism, Cyber, and Computer Forensics

Gina began her career in 1986 by enlisting in the U.S. Army as a Counterintelligence Special Agent. She served six years during the Cold War working the highest profile espionage cases in the European Theater. In 1996, Gina became a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She had…

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Oct. 4, 2020

Social Intelligence Test - Live

Join me as I take a social intelligence test and guess as well. Let's see how we do! This is the first of a series of tests. Check them all out at ************************************************ 🙏 Thank you for watching! Do you enjoy episodes like this? Do you want to…

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Sept. 28, 2020

Jeff Dougherty is a Trial Consultant from Litigation IQ

Jeff Dougherty earned an M.S. degree in Psychology and completed additional post-graduate studies in Jury Research and Jury Psychology at the only program of its kind in the country. Since 2002 Mr. Dougherty has applied his educational training and jury psychology experience to a broad range of civil litigation across…

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Sept. 28, 2020

The Behavior Panel 3 with Mark Bowden, Greg Hartley, Chase Hughes, and Scott Rouse

Four of the top body language experts in the world return, joining me to answer your questions about body language. This is an unmissable opportunity to learn about what makes people tick. View all Behavior Panel appearances here and get your questions ready! Chase Hughes is a leading behavior…

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Sept. 23, 2020

How Marketing Strategies Create And Change Society with Christopher Lochhead

Christopher Lochhead is a #1 charting Apple podcaster and #1 bestselling Amazon author. His books two books "Play Bigger" and "Niche Down" and two podcast "Follow Your Different" and "Lochhead on Marketing" have won countless awards and become cult classics for entrepreneurs and marketers in Silicon Valley and beyond. After…

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Sept. 20, 2020

Avinoam Sapir Invented SCAN - The Precursor to Statement Analysis

Avinoam Sapir is the developer of the SCAN technique ("Scientific Content Analysis"), which inspired statement analysis. SCAN is a method for analyzing statements in order to "read between the lines" and extract significant information that an ordinary reading of the text does not reveal. It can be applied to any…

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Sept. 14, 2020

The Profiler Task Force with Janine Driver, Lena Sisco, Michelle Dresbold, & Susan Ibitz

Four legendary behavioral experts join the livestream to answer your questions! Janine Driver As a former stand up comedian who shared the stage with Chris Rock, Robin Williams, and Ray Romano, Janine Driver, the Lyin’ Tamer, is among the funniest and most powerful sales & marketing speakers in the business…

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Sept. 14, 2020

10 Tactical Persuasion Force Multipliers with Dave Frees

David is an author, attorney, internationally known speaker and seminar presenter. By the time he was twenty-three, David had visited all fifty states, lived in and studied in four countries and started two businesses, and he has yet to slow down! He is chairman of Success Technologies Inc. and Red…

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Sept. 9, 2020

The rational and irrational with Joni Johnston and Robert King of Psychology Today

Joni E. Johnston, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist, private investigator, and author of three nonfiction books, including Appearance Obsession: Learning to Love the Way You Look, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Psychology, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Controlling Anxiety. She is the author of the popular…

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Sept. 6, 2020

Janine Driver is the Celebrity Lie Detector

Janine Driver was a former stand up comedian who shared the stage with Chris Rock, Robin Williams, and Ray Romano. And now, Janine Driver, the Lyin’ Tamer, is among the funniest and most powerful sales & marketing speakers in the business world. Janine’s expertise, and dynamic results-oriented body language programs,…

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Sept. 1, 2020

Viva & Barnes Law for the People

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Aug. 31, 2020

Michelle Dresbold decodes Sex, Lies, and Handwriting

Michelle Dresbold is a nationally recognized handwriting expert, author, speaker, and artist. For the past twenty years, Michelle has drawn on her skills to engage live and televised audiences, provide legal assistance in hundreds of trials, and fascinate readers of her syndicated columns and nationally published book, Sex, Lies, and…

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Aug. 27, 2020

Live face reading with masks by Susan Ibitz the Human Hacking, Face Reading, Body Language Expert

View the original video interview with Susan at Susan Ibitz joins us to discuss. body language and face reading. If you want to have your face read by Susan in the live stream comment below and we may do this again! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 Susan is a Human Behavior Hacker- some…

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Aug. 26, 2020

Sarah Carlson and Tracy Walder are Amazing Women of the CIA

After weeks of continuous bombing, Sarah Carlson had to evacuate Libya with the ambassador and her team. Sarah M. Carlson served as a Targeting Analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterterrorism Center. She specialized in threats and attack plans directed against the U.S. and Europe and completed multiple rotations with…

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Aug. 23, 2020

Statement Analysis with Mark McClish - people tell you what they mean, just listen

Mark McClish was a federal law enforcement officer for 26 years. He started his law enforcement career in 1983 with the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division. During the two years he was with the Secret Service he was assigned to the White House. His main duties were protecting the White…

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Aug. 20, 2020

Did OJ Simpson Kill Nicole Simpson? Former Manager Norm Pardo and FBI Agent Jim Casey Discuss

Did OJ kill Nicole Simpson? This case never goes away. People feel strongly on both sides. Norm Pardo, OJ's previous manager and Jim Casey, retired FBI Special Agent in Charge debate the issue. Norman Pardo became the manager of OJ Simpson in 1999. Over the decade plus he has collected…

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Aug. 17, 2020

True or False - Fake News with CIA Analyst Cindy Otis

Cindy L. Otis is a former CIA officer and an expert on disinformation threat analysis and countermessaging. She is also a Senior non-Resident Fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab and an Associate at Argonne National Lab. Prior to joining the private sector in 2017, she served in…

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Aug. 13, 2020

Take Control of Your Life with J Paul Nadeau - Negotiator, Author, and Actor

As a former police detective, hostage negotiator and international peacekeeper, J. Paul Nadeau spent more than thirty years working with victims and perpetrators and learning from top experts in abuse situations, murder investigations, hostage-takings, terrorist attacks and human behavior in general. As a survivor of physical and emotional abuse by…

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Aug. 9, 2020

CIA Operations Officer and FBI Agent Tracy Walder is the Unexpected Spy

From 2000 - 2004, Tracy Walder worked as Staff Operations Officer (SOO) Intelligence Agency's Counterterrorism Center Weapons of Mass Destruction Group and a Special Agent at the FBI. During her time at the CIA, Tracy traveled to war zones and many other countries. Tracy received many awards for her service…

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Aug. 3, 2020

Norman Pardo says OJ Simpson Didn't Kill Nicole Brown Simpson or Ron Goldman

Norman Pardo became the manager of OJ Simpson in 1999. Over the decade plus he has collected over 70 hours of footage of OJ along with becoming the clearing house for all things related to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. He released this in a documentary…

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July 29, 2020

A Psychotically Eclectic True Crime Happy Hour with Brad Schreiber

What do Charles Manson, Donald DeFreeze, Patty Hearst, and John Lennon have in common? Tune in to this live stream to find out what makes these folks similar and what sets them apart. Brad's original Unstructured Interview Brad Schreiber has written not only books but also journalism, film, television,…

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July 27, 2020

How to Read Body Language Ladies' Night with Susan Ibitz and Lena Sisco

Lena Sisco and Susan Ibitz are here to answer your body language questions. Don't hold back though, they also do statement analysis and negotiation and more. We have had the Fab Four of the Behavior Panel, now it's the ladies' turn. Susan Ibitz is a Human Behavior Hacker- some people…

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